You should now be activated, now close the CS6 program and activation window.
#Adobe cs6 master collection serial number windows 7 activation code#
Activation" now enter that generated Activation code into the Adobe activation window and press “Activate”. Step 8: Copy and paste the WHOLE Request code into the xforce Keygen and click "Gen. You will be prompted to activate, click the blue link that says something like "Having trouble connecting to the Internet?" and follow through and generate your Request code. Write the serial generated down just in case something goes wrong, and put the serial number into the installer and continue offline. Step 6: Shut your internet connection down and open the MasterCollection_CS6_LS16.dmg that you downloaded from 1st torrent on Step 1 and run the CS6 installer. If it doesn’t open, open Console and write this: chmod 777 /Users/Username/Desktop/ Contents/MacOS/x-force, replacing Username with your username. Step 5: Go again to the folder: Activation for Adobe CS6 Master Collection Mac (1337group) and move Keygen to your Desktop. Step 4: Go to Gas Mask and Paste the lines that you copied on previous step between localhost and broadcasthost and then press Save. Copy the lines as indicated in pics below. Step 3: Go to the folder: Activation for Adobe CS6 Master Collection Mac (1337group) that you have downloaded (2nd torrent above) and open the 1337group.rtf file which contains the instructions. Anyway I suggest you don’t update just to be sure. I chose to update later so i don’t really know if updating to 0.7 will have any effect to the whole procedure but i don’t think so. It will probably prompt you to upgrade to version 0.7. Step 2: Go to this site: and download Gas Mask 0.6. Step 1: Download this torrent: Adobe_CS6_Master_Collection_%28Mac%29 and this one: Activation_for_Adobe_CS6_Master_Collection_Mac_(1337group)# (seed the torrents so that other people can download them too)